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Phases of Lil - 12x12 Multi-Photo Layout Process | Summer of Stories

We've all heard of the dog days of summers, but today I am bringing you on as I capture the essence of the cat days of summer! In today's video, I share some inspiration on how to use one of my favorite color schemes, ephemera that doesn't seem to match any of your stories, and how to use a TON of hearts. I hope you enjoy the video and we'll keep chatting below!

As my first 12x12 layout back in quite a few months, I was nervous that it would be difficult. A traveler's notebook is a much smaller canvas and there was fear in me that my creative empowerment behind that project wouldn't transfer to the 12x12 format. But alas, my fears were squashed once I found my groove again!

I briefly mention in my process video about printing photos from home for the first time and for those of you who might have missed it - yes, I am now a print-at-home scrapper! I've been scrapbooking for over 10 years always ordering photos from various online printers, but now that is no more! The flexibility I have to now scrapbook a story from just a few days ago and in whatever size I want?! It still feels like a dream. I plan on sharing more details in an upcoming haul video about the printer I picked out, how I'm liking it, and what accessories I use.

The little lady in these photos is a funny one. I call my pets all sorts of names. Anyone with a keen eye may have seen the little chicken sticker I included in my main cluster. A chicken? On a cat layout? This chicken sticker holds a story within its own right. My cat Lily sports many nicknames, but the one I call her the most is - you guessed it - chicken! Her orange and gold coloring reminds me of a chicken nugget. While I originally dismissed the chicken diecut element, a second look made the memory connect in my head. She is my chicken, so why not include it?!

I tucked that little extra memory next to this fun memory which I have titled "The Phases of Lil". She always goes through a big yawning phase when she is going to sleep or waking up. It captures her personality pretty accurately. She is cute but fierce and small but mighty.

This color scheme including a mix of brights and pastels is one of my favorites. I find I come back to it again and again. I love the bright pops of teal and yellow while the pink tones help cool off the brightness. While I used a ton of different collections on this page, it started me off on the right foot with this kit. If you missed my kit share you can watch it here to see all the details!

Thanks for stopping by to check out my first 12x12 layout in a long time! It feels good to be back and even better to print photos AT HOME! Yay! I hope you enjoyed it, see you again soon!

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